Tuesday, 17 November 2009


These are some pictures taken during our HALLOWEEN QUIZ. Enjoy them!

Tuesday, 20 October 2009


Cursos de conversa de nivell bàsic, intermedi i avançat de 20 hores.
Lloc: a la EOI de Manacor.
Dates dels cursos: 4 de novembre de 2009 a 30 d’abril de 2010.
Horari: 1 hora setmanal en horari de matí o horabaixa.
Es podran matricular totes les persones que tinguin entre 18 i 30 anys, és a dir, nascudes entre els anys 1979 i 1991.
Del 19 al 28 d’octubre
Dilluns a Dijous de 17:00 a 19:00 hores
Divendres de 10:00 a 12:00 hores
A la secretaria de l’EOI de Manacor
L’ordre de les preinscripcions regirà l’ordre de matriculació
MATRICULA un cop feta la preinscripció:
Dimarts 3 de novembre a les 16:00 hores Bàsic,16:45 Intermedi i 17:30 Avançat (cridada única per a tots els preinscrits).
La matricula és gratuïta i es realitzarà per ordre d’arribada de les preinscripcions
Els alumnes que no estiguin matriculats a l’EOI durant aquest curs han de fer una prova d’anivellament.
Data de la prova:dijous 29 d’octubre a les 17:00 hores.
CERTIFICACIÓ:Els alumnes, un cop acabat el curs, obtindran un certificat d’assistència, sempre que hagin assistit, com a minim, a un 80% de les classes.
BÀSIC: Dijous a les 13h.
INTERMEDI: Dimecres a les 12h.
BÀSIC: Dilluns a les 16h, dimarts a les 16 h, dimecres a les 16h i dijous a les 15h.
INTERMEDI: Dimecres a les 16h, dimarts a les 18h i dijous a les 18h.
AVANÇAT: Dimecres a les 16h i dijous a les 16h.



ANGLÈS PER A L’ATENCIÓ AL PÚBLIC/Course in English for customer service:

Nom del curs: Anglès per a l’atenció al públic/Course in English for customer service.

LLOC: EOI Manacor.

Nivells: Bàsic i Intermedi.


1er trimestre: 20 hores del 5 de novembre al 29 de gener.

2on trimestre: 20 hores de l’1 de febrer al 30 d’abril.

HORARI: La proposta inicial d’horaris és la següent:

Nivell bàsic: Dilluns i i dijous, de 12 a 13 h.

Nivell intermedi: Dilluns I dijous, de 15 a 16 h.

Tot I això, es podran fer peticions del curs del nivell bàsic i intermedi a ambdós horaris, de mode que, en funció de la demanda, es podria canviar l’ordre dels mateixos o fer dos cursos de cada nivell.


1er trimestre: del 19 al 28 d’octubre.

Dilluns i dijous de 17:00 a 19:00.

Divendres de 10:00 a 12:00.

2on trimestre: del 11 al 21 de gener.

A la secretaria de l’EOI de Manacor.

L’ordre de les preinscripcions es regirà per l’ordre de matriculació.

MATRÍCULA: Gratuïta.

1er trimestre: 3 de novembre, a partir de les 16 h.

Per ordre d’arribada de les preinscripcions

PROVA DE NIVELL: Els alumnes que no estiguin matriculats a l’EOI durant aquest curs han de fer una prova d’anivellament. Per fer la prova s’hauran d’haver preinscrit.

Data de la prova: 29 d’octubre, 17 h

NOMBRE DE PLACES: Mínim, 7; màxim, 15.

CERTIFICACIÓ: els alumnes, un cop acabat el curs, obtindran un certificat d’assistència amb el número d’hores cursades, sempre que hagin assistit, com a mínim, a un 80% de les classes.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Books 2009-2010

Textbooks for 2009-2010

Basic 1
New English File. Elementary. Student’s Book. Oxford.
New English File. Elementary. Workbook with Answer Booklet + MultiRom Pack. Oxford.

Basic 2
New English File. Pre-Intermediate. Student’s Book. Oxford.
New English File. Pre-Intermediate. Workbook with Answer Booklet + MultiRom Pack. Oxford.

Intermediate 1
New English File. Intermediate.. Student’s Book. Oxford.
New English File. Intermediate. Workbook with Answer Booklet + MultiRom Pack. Oxford.

Intermediate 2
New English File. Intermediate Plus. Student’s Book. Oxford.
New English File. Intermediate Plus. Workbook with Answer Booklet + MultiRom Pack. Oxford.

Advanced 1
New English File. Upper-Intermediate. Student’s Book. Oxford.
New English File. Upper-Intermediate. Workbook with Answer Booklet + MultiRom Pack. Oxford.

Advanced 2
CAE Result. New Edition. Student’s Book. Oxford.
CAE Result. New Edition Workbook with key and Student CD Pack. Oxford.

Teachers 2009-2010

Our teachers this year will be:

Cristina Barceló (Basic 1 & Intermediate 1)
Christina Gila (Intermediate 1 & Advanced 1)
Maribel Martínez (Intermediate 2)
Paco Martínez (Basic 1 & 2)
Cristóbal Ros (Intermediate 1 & Advanced 2)
Maria Sitges (Basic 2)
Tere Trujillo (Basic 1)

Head of Studies: Maria Sitges
Head of Department: Cristóbal Ros
Coordinator: Maribel Martínez
Computer Room Coordinator: Cristina Barceló

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Britta's Birthday Party

Today is Britta's birthday and we are going to have a party in Michael's room (N23)at 7:00pm. You are all welcome.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Monday, 25 May 2009

Farewell Party

We would like to thank Britta and Louise for the good job they have done. We wish them well both professionally and personally. Here you have their presentations and pictures:

Fiesta de Despedida

Louise's Presentation Louise's Presentation tomeualoy

Monday, 18 May 2009

Farewell Party

Britta and Loise are leaving us at the end of the month. For this reason on Monday 25 May they have organized a farewell party especially for us.
The plan is as follows:

1) Each one of them will prepare a presentation (30 min) describing their personal and professional experiences this academic year. They will talk about what they have learnt about Manacor, the EOI school, the teachers, anecdotes, experiences, places they have visited, new food they have tasted...This part will be very useful because it will give a model to the students on how to talk about personal experiences,which is part of their curriculum. Students will be welcome to ask them questions.

2) The second part is music, food and party time!!!

The event will take place in room N27

Please come along. We will have lots of fun.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Andrew Marshall. Quiz Famous

Here you have the pictures of the show. Andrew Marshall and the contestants did a great job. The audience was also engaged. We all had a great time and learnt a lot. Thanks everybody!

Monday, 13 April 2009

Andrew Marshall

Andrew Marschall is an actor. He has already performed in our school and we are pleased to announce that he is coming back.
Date: Mo 27 April
Time: 19:00
Room: N-27
We hope we will see you all there.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009


You can practise your speaking here.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

St Patrick's Day

It was a very special day in our school. Everyone did a wonderful job. Michael started with a talk about Ireland. He has been doing a lot of research about the topic and it showed on the presentation he did. We would like to thank Louise and Britta for the Quiz. We had fun and learnt a lot. Not only did we learn English but also facts about Ireland, Scotland and Belgium. We concluded the event with an Irish-Scottish sing-along session.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

St Patrick's day Quiz

On Tuesday 17 March we are going to celebrate St. Patrick's Day at our school. Britta and Louise are already preparing a Quiz. They will include questions about Ireland, Scotland and Belgium. Everybody will be welcome.
Room: N27
Time: 17 and 19
Presenters: Miss Louise Masterton and Miss Britta Beniest

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Friends of the Earth

The Chairperson of Friends of the Earth, Ms Sandy Hemmingway, visited our school yesterday. She helped us reflect on the things we can do to save our planet. We would like to thank her for that. Here you can see some of the photos of the event.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Friends of the Earth Talk

Sandy Hemmingway from Friends of the Earth is visiting us on Wed 25 Feb.
Room: N27
There will be two sessions: at 17:00 and at 19:00

Everybody will be welcome

Friday Party

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Idioms Quiz

On Thursday 12 Feb we are going to have a special event taking place at our school. Do you find idioms hard to learn? Do you find them fun? In this presentation Mr Michael Carroll is going to guide us through the meaning and uses of some of the most common ...and not so common English idioms. Some of them were used by Shakespeare. Everybody will be welcome.

When: Th 12 Feb at 17:00 and at 19:00
Where: Room N21